Wednesday 8 October 2014

Week 3, 4, and 5

A lot has happened in the past few weeks. Three lectures, two tutorials, an assignment, and a midterm. I managed to survive it all and came out (I hope) relatively unscathed. Week three was a good lecture, conjunction, disjunction, a couple of Venn Diagrams, negations, truth tables, and laws. There was one area of confusion during the lecture that I had an opportunity to ask Professor Zhang about. It was that the conjunction x>20 and x<10 is represented by AUB (A being the first term, and B being the other) but it could not be used to represent a disjunction since the intersection could not exist. I was thinking about the conjunction as a Venn Diagram where both circles were shaded in except for the middle, when I asked it was cleared up that it cannot be represented by a Venn Diagram since there is absolutely no possibility of intersection in that statement. The rest I was confident about as it was discussed. There is, however, quite a big difference between seeing someone doing something and understanding it, then having to do it yourself. I can easily say that I struggled with the tutorial that week, only solving about 3 problems from question 1, then being confused as to how people had any idea how to solve the rest. I didn't leave any more informed on how to solve a problem than when I came in. Seems like a good time to start working on the assignment, right? Wrong, very wrong, I don’t think I have ever really experienced that level of confusion before. I poured countless hours into trying to figure it out the weekend after lecture 3, I wish I had just waited for lecture 4, as a lot of it was explained then.

Starting off a lecture with informing the class that the midterm was next week probably wasn’t the best way to go about things. I knew it was soon, but hadn't realized it was so soon, and seeing as I was in a state of mass confusion from the assignment, it was terrifying. Although the proofs were not of too much help, the bit on the bi-implications, transitivity, and mixed quantifiers were. This lecture, along with going to the help center (which really wasn't of too much help), and pouring more countless hours into the assignment allowed me to finish it with some confidence about the answers, and only one question left blank. In the end, question 1, 2, and 5 were good, 3, and 4 were where I was unsure of myself, 4b was the question I left blank. I had no idea why the Venn Diagrams would be different between 4a and 4b (universal versus existential Venn Diagram). My next area of focus was the approaching midterm. I took to the internet and found a bunch of past tests that I attempted to do, as well as the sample test provided on the course website. I knew I wanted to see Professor Zhang in person regarding what I struggled with on the assignment and past tests, so I made quite an effort (changing work schedule, putting off my weekly cooking) to come in and clear the confusion up. I am so glad I did because now I actually feel I understand the course. The midterm went very well I feel. The questions were extremely similar to the sample midterm, I would even venture to say they were easier version of them, and one similar to 4 on the assignment, which I cleared up during the office hour. Then there was lecture, and a whole lot of proofs. I believe I will need practice with those, but it looks like the general formula is work both ways (from the top, and from the bottom), try proving the contrapositive if it’s easier, and seeing if its contradiction makes sense. I’ll just have to do some myself to see if I would be able to without help, that’s what the tutorial is for.